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Timeline for “Blood, Flesh and Fear” backstory


Wednesday 1st December full moon

Tuesday 2nd November 2066 full moon

SPC 40th Anniversary.

Friday 29th October 2066 to Friday 3rd December Blood Flesh and Fear story

Sunday 21st May 2056 Pentecost. Red Liturgical Colour. The Containment. Cordon Sanitaire established from Blackpool to Bridlington.

Plague deaths. Meant to be targeted at non-white but mutated. Exponential infection rate with 60% mortality within 30 daya

Sunday 23rd April 2056 (St. George’s Day) Saint Paul’s cathedral plague bombs. Operation Dragonsteeth. Cadmus group sows seeds of dissension to create a new England with White Majority Rule.

80.75 million population. Professor David Coleman, Oxford University, predicted on 1st November 2011 that by 2066 the number of non-white population would be less than half

Friday 8th October 2033 (full moon) to Friday 16th April 2055 the Crescent Wars run over control of gas pipeline Iran, Iraq, Syria. who kept all of Western Europe warm. Russia pushes for control. EU troops fail against Russia plus local insurgents. Rumours of Iranian use of genewarfare. Brits accused of producing gas eating virus.

US in isolationist mood after 2028 elections. Withdraws from NATO by end 2030 leaving EU, Russia, China, Brazil, India.

2026 SPC created to respond to anomalies (or perhaps create them)

2023 Proxy wars in Africa with telepresence, cyber attacks and gene warfare.

2021 Genetherapy Weaponized. Russia, China, UK, US, France.

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